Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency's Fraud Investigation

IDFOX Agency - Investigations in Italy since 1991

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Cryptocurrency Fraud Investigations

The growing rise in cryptocurrency scams has led to a significant increase in Bitcoin frauds targeting well intentioned users.

We specialize in cryptocurrency fraud investigations and help get your money back.

Ask for the help of the Experts

We specialize in investigating cryptocurrency fraud

not only nationally but also internationally.

We use traditional investigative techniques coupled with modern online digital forensic analysis, so you can rest assured that we are the best investigators in tracking all possible traces and providing evidence fro legal purposes.

Find your money, find new leads

Scammers use smartphones or PCs to "TRANSFER" Bitcoin for their personal gain, without your permission.

Traces always remain in digital transactions! To recover your cryptocurrency investments, our detectives from the IDFOX agency (International Detectives Fox) can help you track down your money.

Are you a victim of a Cryptocurrency scam or theft and want to get your money back?

Contact us by calling us at the number:

 +39 02.344.223

Contact us for an estimate or a free consultancy.

Agency International Detectives, IDFOX

 (Operational 24 hours a day for holiday/night emergencies)


Our Agency

The goal at IDFOX Agency Since 1991, is to meet your needs providing you with, “your key to the truth”, while at the same time ensuring that the collected evidence will be acceptable within the strict rules governing evidence and privacy laws.

The investigators at IDFOX Agency have spent many years solving and assisting clients with a diversity of problems and concerns dealing with personal matters, family and corporate business concerns:

There are very few situations that we haven’t seen before, and more importantly, whatever your circumstances, we’re here to understand your situation, and give you the best possible advice on how a Private Investigator can assist you in a legal and time efficient manner.


We have always focused on reaching high quality standards, becoming the main reference for those who need to find results with confidentiality and professionalism, and with appropriate costs for the level of service offered.

The professionals that you will come in contact with in our investigative agency work always and only in compliance with the code of ethics and of privacy. 

If you are unsure where to turn, IDFOX Investigation Agency Milano Italy, With over 30 years’ experience operating in Italy.



The detective agency IDFOX Investigations was founded by Max Maiellaro.   

The founder, with over 30 years of investigative experience gained in the State Police, already a direct collaborator of Count Corrado AGUSTA, former President of the AGUSTA SpA Group of the same name, was also responsible for the security services of a multinational, as well as for various groups operating in a variety of sectors such as metalworking, chemicals, goldsmiths, textiles, high fashion, electronics and large retailers, has always brilliantly solved any investigative problem related to: corporate infidelity, goods, trademarks and patents, unfair competition and intellectual defense of projects, violation of the non-competition agreement, know-how protection and protection of individuals and the family, as well as being a trusted source of information for entrepreneurs, managers, multinationals and law firms throughout the Italian territory and also abroad.


IDFOX agency is currently directed by Dr. Margherita Maiellaro.

The director has many years of experience in the investigative field and holds a degree in law, with a specialization in international law, from Bocconi University.

Dr. Margherita Maiellaro participated in training and improvement courses in investigation and intelligence techniques as part of her journey to become an authorized private investigator. She carried out investigations and assessments for the protection of the brand, concluding seizure operations in collaboration with the police.

IDFOX agency's team is made up of former members of the Police Forces, who make use of means and techniques that are always at the forefront and up to date with new technologies, and guaranteeing in-depth and certified knowledge in the field of intelligence.

Our network of agents expands throughout Italy and abroad, with over 400 correspondents who collaborate with us all over the globe, ensuring maximum effectiveness and readiness to carry out investigations at any time and in any place.

Corporate fraud is a violation of article 2105 of the civil code, according to which the employee, collaborator, shareholder or director, is obliged to be loyal to the employer and cannot, in any case, engage in behaviors that damage the relationship of trust. Whether it is fraud related to cash shortages or real episodes of unfair competition or data theft, in any of these cases, the employer has the legitimate possibility of resorting to the intervention of a private investigator, as per case law.

IDFOX ® detectives agency is able to offer you highly professional and personalized services, such as:

corporate investigations, insurance fraud, unfair competition, private and commercial investigations, trademark and patent counterfeiting investigations, electronic environmental remediation, banking investigations in Italy and abroad, including tax havens and accounts offshore.

We also carry out services aimed at protecting corporate know-how, protecting trade secrets and cyber-security of our customers; part of these activities are included in industrial counter-espionage investigations, carried out by us in compliance with current regulations.

IDFOX investigation agency provides valid documentation for legal use, including: technical and experts reports and observation and surveillance services reports documented with photos and videos.


L’agenzia investigativa IDFOX Investigazioni è stata fondata da Max Maiellaro.     

Il fondatore, con oltre 30 anni di esperienze investigative maturate nella Polizia di Stato, già diretto collaboratore del Conte Corrado AGUSTA, ex Presidente dell’omonimo Gruppo AGUSTA SpA, è stato inoltre responsabile dei servizi di sicurezza di una multinazionale, nonché presso vari gruppi operanti in svariati settori quale metalmeccanici, chimica, oreficeria, tessile, alta moda, elettronica e grande distribuzione, ha sempre risolto brillantemente ogni problematica investigativa connessa a: infedeltà aziendale, ai beni, marchi e brevetti, concorrenza sleale e alla difesa intellettuale dei progetti, violazione del patto di non concorrenza, protezione know-how e tutela delle persone e della famiglia, nonché referente abituale di imprenditori, manager, multinazionali e studi Legali su tutto il territorio Italiano ed anche Estero.


L’agenzia IDFOX è correntemente diretta dalla Dottoressa Margherita Maiellaro.

La direttrice ha maturato un’esperienza pluriennale nel campo investigativo ed ha conseguito una Laurea in Giurisprudenza, con specializzazione in diritto internazionale, presso l’Università Bocconi.

La Dottoressa Margherita Maiellaro ha partecipato a corsi di formazione e perfezionamento di tecniche d'investigazione ed intelligence nell’ambito della sua formazione per diventare Investigatore privato autorizzato. Ha svolto indagini e accertamenti per la tutela del marchio concludendo operazioni di sequestro unitamente alle forze dell’ordine.

Il team dell’agenzia IDFOX è formato da ex appartenenti alle Forze di Polizia, i quali si avvalgono di mezzi e tecniche sempre all’avanguardia e al passo con le nuove tecnologie, vantando conoscenze approfondite e certificate nel campo dell’intelligence.  

La nostra rete di agenti si espande in tutto il territorio italiano ed estero, con oltre 400 corrispondenti che collaborano con noi in tutto il globo, garantendo la massima efficacia e prontezza per svolgere indagini in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo. 

Le frodi aziendali sono una violazione dell’articolo 2105 del codice civile, secondo il quale il dipendente, collaboratore, socio o amministratore, è obbligato a essere fedele al datore di lavoro e non può, in nessun caso, assumere comportamenti a ledere il rapporto di fiducia. Che si tratti di frodi legate ad ammanchi di cassa o di veri e propri episodi di concorrenza sleale o di furto di dati, in questi casi il datore di lavoro ha la possibilità legittima di ricorrere all’intervento di un investigatore privato, come da giurisprudenza. 

L’agenzia investigativa IDFOX ® è in grado di offrirvi servizi altamente professionali e personalizzati, quali:

investigazioni aziendali, antifrode assicurativa, concorrenza sleale, indagini private, commerciali, indagini sulla contraffazione di marchi e brevetti, bonifiche ambientali, investigazioni bancarie in Italia e all’estero, compresi paradisi fiscali e conti offshore.

Svolgiamo inoltre servizi volti alla tutela del know-how aziendale, protezione di segreti commerciali e della sicurezza informatica dei nostri clienti; parte di queste attività vengono ricomprese nelle indagini di controspionaggio industriale, da noi svolte in ottemperanza alle normative vigenti.

L’agenzia investigativa IDFOX fornisce documentazioni valide per uso legale, tra le quali: perizie e relazioni tecniche e reports per i servizi di osservazione e vigilanza documentati con foto e video.


Contact us now for an estimate or a free consultancy

call us at:

+39 02.344.223

 (Operational 24 hours a day for holiday/night emergencies)

Find us:

IDFOX Srl International Detectives Fox ® Via Luigi Razza 4 – 20124 – Milano

Aut.Gov. n.9277/12B15E Area 1 Pref. Milano

P.IVA 09741640966

registered office: via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milano, Italia

(100 meters from hotel Principe di Savoia, hotel Gallia ed hotel The Westin Palace Milan)


- 30 meters from MM3 Repubblica subway station (exit: via Vittor Pisani)

- Tram 9, 29/30

- Tram 1, 5

- 300 meters from the Central Station (MM3-YELLOW LINE)

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